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Friday 19th October 2018

Morning : Meeting with european parliamentarians in the parliament of Brussels

Evening : Welcom in the municipality of Brussels

Programme – FR

Programme – EN


Speech of Mr Mohamed Ouriaghli, Deputy-Mayor of International Solidarity:

 Discours_191018_Colloque Famido – FR

  Discours_191018_Colloque Famido – EN

  Discours_191018_Colloque Famido – ES



Saterday 20th October 2018

VIIth International Congress on Migration and Mental Health
in the Sint-Jan-Berchmanscollege in Brussels

Provisional programme:

8:30 Registration Opens

9:00 Welcoming speeches:

Noemí Alcalá, Xochicuicatl, Latin American Women Association, Berlin (Germany)
Leticia Reyes, Familles du Monde, Brussels (Belgium)
Philippe Lamberts, MEP, European Parliament
Mohamed Ouriaghli, Brussels (Belgium)

9:30 Inauguration lecture:

Prof. Joseba Achotegui (University of Barcelona, Spain): ‘Migrating in the 21st century: the Immigrant Syndrome with chronic and multiple stress – The Ulysses Syndrome’


10:00 SESSION 1 Stressors, social factors and mental health in current migration

Session 1.1

PhD Iciar Villacieros (Pontifical University of Comillas, Madrid, Spain): The impact of acculturative stress on the well-being of youth migrants and family

M.Sc. Leticia Reyes Sánchez (Familles du Monde, Belgium): ‘Psychosocial stressors in children, youth and families

M.Sc. Lucía Ferri Tórtola (University of ValenciaValencia, Spain): ‘A cross-cultural Approach to Migrants_ Healthcare in Valencia (Spain)

PhD student Mahshid Tajilrou (Littérature anglophone, laboratoire LERMA, Aix-Marseille University): ‘Home and exilic experience in JMCoetzee’s The Childhood of Jesus

Session 1.2

Maria Elena Ferrer Harrington (Humanamente, New York, USA): ‘Living in the ICE age

PhD student Eva Raynal (Comparative Literature, Aix-Marseille University (CIELAM), France): Post-traumatic disorders and comparative literature

Deédeni Devos Reyes (Familles du Monde, Belgium): ‘Ulysses in the Multicultural Youth of an Inclusive Europe

PhD student Sabine Gamba (Comparative Literature, Aix-Marseille University (CIELAM), France): ‘The scream of exile in theatrical territory

Session 1.3

Psy. Noemi Alcalá (Xochicuicatl, Berlin, Germany): ‘Lost in Integration

Dr. Silvia Peñas Martin, (Deusto UniversityBilbo, Spain; Egintza Association): ‘Migrant reunited families with minors with a backpack full of deprotection, negligence and other miseries

Psy. Maylet A. Osorio (Familles du Monde, Antwerp, Belgium): ‘From idealization to reality – family reunification of Latin-American migrant women with their children

PhD student Sarah Voke (Comparative Literature, Aix-Marseille University (CIELAM), France): ‘The image of wounded exiled bodies in Meena Alexander and Amina Saïd_s poetry

Session 1.4

PhD Nancy Liscano (Director, VOADES – TEUK, London, UK): ‘Mental Health of Latin-American Families, reunited in London (UK)

PhD Mary Lou de Leon Siantz (RN FAAN, University of California Davis(USA)): ‘Mixed Methodological Approaches in the Study of Immigrant Mexican Youth 

Mieke Groeninck (Odisee university college, Belgium): ‘Resilience in refugee families – the case of Afghan, Iraquian and Syrian refugee families in Belgium

Kaat Van Acker, Claire Wiewauters (Odisee College; Higher Institue of Family Studies): ‘Resilience in Refugee Families – the Peculiar Position of Accompanied Minors

Session 1.5 Youth

 Belgium (Familles du Monde, asbl):

Baudouin Yolotl Devos: ‘Learning game

Brayan Shimizu: ‘Residence Families for Foreing Youth

Dilan Gündogan: ‘First Reflex

Itzel G. Devos: ‘Education at the Bottom of our Society

Karla J. Fernández Méndez: ‘Nous sommes migrants

Nora Piazza: ‘a one week Intercultural Internship through the Art

 Italy (CPIA Napoli Città 2):

Fodè Coulibaly: ‘Reception Centre

Mamourou Mariko: ‘COMPAppSS – the App that orients

 Spain (MigraEspacio):

MigraEspacio: ‘MigraEspacio


Kevin Valenzuela & Juan Francisco Herrera (VOADES TEUK Birmingham): ‘The support in young immigrants wellbeing and mental health. A prevention and intervention model in emotional health through the recreation and the personal development work’

Sebastián Ruiz García & Santiago Ruiz García (VOADES TEUK Birmingham): ‘Works between parents and youth for the restructuration of migrant family wellbeing as support to integration, through youth personal work with mentors and the parents school’

Kimberly Rebecca Ochoa Delgado (VOADES TEUK Birmingham): ‘The motivation in the youth voluntary work as a strategy of personal and professional realisation, supporting migrants wellbeing’



11:30 Coffee break


12:00 SESSION 2 Diagnosis and Psychological intervention in current migration

Session 2.1

Psy. Nelida Tanaka Wada (Yotsuya Yui Clinic, Japan): ‘Disproportionality of minority children in special education

M.C. Psy. Hamilton B. Lizcano Parra (Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia): ‘Dialogical Accompaniment of Families Displaced by the Armed Conflict in the Strengthening of Support Networks

Psy. Ismat Chowdhrie et al. (Mental Health Centre CGG, Belgium): The accompaniment of unaccompanied minors in the context on migration

Renia Pournara (UNHCR, Greece): ‘Migration as a status of being – narrations from a refugee camp in Greece

Session 2.2

PhD Maria José Rebelo (Madrid, Spain): ‘Society_s hostility, anger, mistrust towards refugees, asylum-seekers and immigrants

Psy. Marta Figueras (Universidad Central de Cataluña, Spain): ‘Quality of life, psychological symptoms and disease perception

Psy. Soraya Ayouch (Centre Françoise Minkowska, Paris, France): ‘Migrations of Adolescents today

Émilie De Becker-Malfait (City of Brussels, Belgium): ‘The role of the city in a Multicultural Environment’

Session 2.3

Prof. José López Rodas (Universidad Honorio Delgado, Peru):’The return, in the imagination of Venezuelan immigrant children and ados in Peru

PhD student Camylla Lima de Medeiros (Comparative Literature, Aix-Marseille University (CIELAM), France): ‘The Writing of the Invisible – from literary research to writing workshops

Psy. Benjamin Berloznik (Solentra vzw, Belgium): Psychiatry Assisting the Cultural diverse Community in Creating healing Ties PACCT

Francesca Ronchin (Italy): ‘The Challenges of reporting search and rescue of migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea by NGOs Ships – my experience on board of the Aquarius

Session 2.4

PhD. Marjolaine Unter Ecker (Aix-Marseille Université & Collectif Migrations et Altérités): ‘Aimless wandering and non-belonging stories in border areas

PhD. Salvatore Cosentino (SAPPIR, Spain): ‘The Evaluation of the Stress and the Migratory Grief – Construction of the Ulysses Structured Interview (EEU)

Psy. Leticia Marín (S.A.L., Italy): ‘Questionnaire on Stress in the Migration Process (MP-MPSQ) – Cognitive Schemas in Migrants and their perception of Stress in each Grief of the Ulysses Syndrome

Dr. Doreen M. Francis (UK and Canada Chapters of Logotherapy): ‘Meaning and Purpose the Primary Motivation


13:30 Lunch and posters


15:00 SESSION 3 Psychological, psychosocial intervention and experiences

Session 3.1

Juan Pimienta (Scotland Yard, London, UK), Audrey Narvaez (Univ.of Portmouth) : Hidden Away Mental Health Illness and Stigmatisation

Kelly Mercado (Palabra de Mujer, Belgium): ‘Creating a space for communication in Belgium: The visibility of Latin American women migrants

PhD José González (Service Diversity, Diest, Belgium): ‘Respevol caring for families & children with a refugee story – the culture-sensitive glasses

Annabella Di Finizio (CPIA Napoli Città 2, Italy): ‘Socio-Professional Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees

Session 3.2

Dr. Alberto Polito, Dr. Simonetta Bonadies (A tu per tu Association, Italy): ‘Observation sheet for the prevention and monitoring of Unaccompanied and Separated Children (UASC)

Prof. Alexis Nuselovici (Professeur de littérature générale et comparée, Université d’Aix-Marseille, France): ‘From psychology to politics – Representing migrants in the 2019 European Parliament election

Nayeli Devos Reyes (Familles du Monde, Belgium): ‘Educative and Didactical Tools on Migration Mourning for and by Youth

Karla Guajardo Rodríguez (Italy): ‘Adaptation experiences as an immigration decision on the Mexican community in Italy

Session 3.3

Carolina Zanolla, Hrar Mouna, Ortiz David (Red Cross, Malaga, Spain): ‘Migratory grief characteristics in migrants, displaced and refugees

Giulia Turrini et al (University of Verona, Italy): ‘Efficacy and Acceptability of Psychosocial Interventions in Asylum Seekers & Refugees with or without mental disorders

Dr. Ana Valenzuela & Thamara Cruz (Siempre; Belgium): ‘Representations and framework in the Migration path of Latin American women in Belgium

Christelle Sermon (Bureau d’Accueil pour Primo-Arrivants, BAPA, Brussels, Belgium): ‘Offering a Qualité Reception Course to the Newcomers

Session 3.4

Michela Nosè et al (University of Verona, Italy): ‘Low Intensity psychosocial Intervention for Preventing Mental Disorders in Refugee Population in Europe


Marie Fallon-Kund (Mental Health Europe, Belgium): ‘Psychosocial support in the context of migration – a human rights-based approach

M.S. Verónica Juanes Vaquero (Red Cross, Murcia, Spain): ‘Treating Torture Survivors among Asylum Seekers and Refugees – a Contextual and Multicultural Intervention and Issues

Cédric Piechowski (Musée de la Céramique, Andenne, Belgium): ‘Resilience and Identity at the Heart of a Museum’s Action


16:30 Coffee Break


17:00 General debate

Debate on the different sessions of the day

Presentation of the second number of the Magazine 
« International Journal of migration and Mental Health »


17:30 Ulysses in the Multicultural Youth of an Inclusive Europe
Presentation of the results of the youth round table (1st step of this long term youth project designed and implemented by FaMiDo youth leaders)


18:00 Closing Ceremony

Presentation of the VIII New York Congress of the Athena Network 2019 (María Elena Ferrer Harrington, Executive Director, Humanamente, New York, USA)

Presentation of the IX Bath Congress of the Athena Network 2020 (Dr. Agata Vitale, Bath University, UK)


At the same time, during the day, the youth will have a full day of activities linked to the Well-being in Migration, organised and led by young people trained by Familles du Monde, asbl.